Featured Images | New and Ongoing Exhibits | Our trip to Atlanta | Palm Beach Photographic Centre
When we decided to include a "Featured Image of the Month" on our website, the idea of a monthly newsletter simultaneously attached itself in our minds. We succeeded in producing three issues, then April arrived with a myriad of activities, including a family memorial gathering for Gene's oldest brother John in Asheville, NC; a private reception for us at Lumiere Gallery in Atlanta, GA; and work on a 2012 exhibition of Bullock photography at the Palm Beach Photographic Centre in Florida.
Scheduled to be away most of the month, we knew it was unlikely that we could get an April newsletter out. Then light dawned. Doing a series of twelve Featured Images didn't mean we had to match them with twelve newsletters! We promptly detached the two undertakings from each other, posted the Featured Image for April, and departed for the southeast U.S. When we returned at the end of the month, we spent most of May attending to a backlog of orders and other photography business; hosting several visits from family members and business associates; and participating in a final memorial gathering for Gene's brother in southern California.
So what can you expect from now on? We will continue posting a Featured Image each month. It will be announced on our Wynn Bullock Page on Facebook (if you haven't already become a fan, we invite you to do so now). You may also return to our website on a regular basis to see what's new. The Featured Image link can be accessed at the bottom of our home page as well as from several other places on our site. In addition, the Images will always be described in our newsletters where links will be available to take you to the appropriate pages on our website (see below).
As for our e-newsletters, we'll be sending them out as events dictate and time allows. We're now predicting a fairly regular schedule of one every two to three months. As always, please feel free to share both our newsletters and website with others who might find them interesting and remember we welcome hearing from you just as much as we enjoy letting you know what's happening with us. |
"I continue to be amazed and inspired by both Wynn's and Edna's work ethic and personal visions and also impressed at how both of them entered photography as 'adults' with healthy life experiences under their belts. As I grow older, I am realizing how important the latter truly is."
~ Chuck Davis, specialist in marine/underwater photography and cinematography
Twin Oaks, 1956, is the photograph selected for April. In my commentary, I recall the experience of being presented with this image for the first time and asked for my feedback. This kind of experience happened often. It was all part of my learning to see more perceptively and think with my whole being, not just with my head. These were two of the many gifts I received from growing up in the Bullock household.
The image for May is Leaves and Cobwebs, 1969. It was taken during one of our annual family vacations to Santa Cruz and its environs. About 50 miles north of our home on the Monterey Peninsula, the Santa Cruz beaches and mountains were five to ten degrees warmer in the summers than where we lived and, without having to travel long distances, we were given a distinctly different region to explore and enjoy.
To access these two Featured Images on our website, just click on either photo. With every Featured Image, you have the choice of reading the commentary or listening to an audio version that is produced by our exceptional webmaster David Gordon (it is his voice you hear at the beginning and ending of each recording).
If you have a specific image you'd like to learn more about, let us know. From time to time, my sister Lynne and other family members will join me in providing commentaries. If you've had a special experience with one of Wynn's photographs or a deeply felt response to an image and would like to propose doing one of our features, we'd love to hear from you.
Panopticon Gallery in Boston, Massachusetts will be hosting an exhibition titled Kids Are People Too. Opening on June 8 and running through July 12, it will feature the work of several noted photographers, including Harold Feinstein, Azita Panahpour, Suzanne Revy, Aaron Siskind, Amy Stein, Jock Sturges, and Hiroshi Watanabe. Wynn's work will be represented by an archival, editioned estate print of Child in Forest, 1951.
The exhibition Deep Water continues to be on display at the National Gallery of Victoria in Melbourne, Australia. Wynn's image Point Lobos Wave, 1958, is included in both the show and the accompanying catalog.
Due to construction projects and the relocation of the CCP Library, The Center for Creative Photography at the University of Arizona has postponed the exhibition Creative Continuum: The History of the Center for Creative Photography. As one of the five artists whose archives established the Center, Wynn's photographs are prominently featured in this exhibit. It is now scheduled to open on August 20.
"I am so honored to have had the opportunity to share the evening with you and to have shared those stories of your Dad's search for the Light and Life in all things. It was truly magical for me and something I will always treasure in my memory." ~ Dr. Russel Penrod
Since the spring of 2009, we have had the pleasure of working with Robert Yellowlees, owner, and Tony Casadonte, director, of Lumière Gallery in Atlanta, GA. On June 25 of that year, the Gallery opened an exhibition titled The Color of Light. It featured a selection of Wynn's "Color Light Abstractions" as well as photographs by our good friend Al Weber and Georgia artist Laura Noel. With that exhibit, Lumière became the first gallery to show and represent our new prints of Wynn's color images, and they have now expanded their successful representation to include our black & white estate prints as well as our collections of original photographs.
Late last year, Lumière began production of two limited edition portfolios of Wynn's work: one showcasing the archival editioned estate prints of five classic black & white images and the other of five abstract color images. Introduced this spring, the portfolios have been very well-received. Further information about them may be obtained by emailing Tony at tony.c@lumieregallery.net or phoning him at 404-261-6100.
When Bob and Tony learned that Gene and I were going to be visiting the southeast last month, they arranged a special, invitation-only reception for us at the Gallery. Held on April 18, the day of Wynn's birth, it was a warm, attentive gathering of photography lovers that had been scheduled for 6-7pm and didn't actually end until 9. Tony and his wife Stanley served as our gracious hosts and we had the pleasure of sharing the event with our daughter Deb Wilson and her partner Pat Carney who were traveling with us. At Tony's request, I gave a brief presentation about Wynn's life and work and there were many enjoyable interchanges both before and after my talk.
The following day Gene, Deb, Pat, and I took the opportunity to become better acquainted with Atlanta. Although we didn't make it to the Aquarium as we had hoped, we did explore the mid-town area, including the beautiful High Museum and the Botanical Gardens. We had a great time and all of us are looking forward to many return visits.
"[We are] a non-profit visual arts organization dedicated to the enrichment of life through exhibitions, community programs, workshops, and other educational activities that promote the arts of photography and digital imaging." ~ taken from the PBPC website
In the mid-1990s while the Palm Beach Photographic Centre was headquartered in Delray Beach, Florida, it was one of eight venues for the Edna Bullock traveling exhibition Edna's Nudes. During this same period of time, the Centre also sponsored an exhibition titled Photography as a Spiritual Journey, featuring the work of Wynn Bullock and Dwight Caswell. The idea for this exhibit had originated with Dwight who considered Wynn his primary mentor, and, at his invitation, he and I collaborated on putting the show together. After Edna's death in 1997, our family's relationship with the Centre grew dormant. Then last fall, as he was exploring possible venues for our traveling exhibition of Wynn's "Color Light Abstractions" (as some of you will remember it premiered at the Center for Photographic Art just a year ago this month), Gene contacted the Centre's co-founders Art and Fatima NeJame. He learned that they had relocated PBPC to a 30,000 square-foot, multi-level facility within the recently constructed West Palm Beach City Center complex that is also home to the City Hall and Public Library. To our delight, he also discovered that they were interested in sponsoring a Bullock photography show in their spacious new Museum.
On the last leg of our April trip, we drove from our daughter Deb's home in Orlando down to West Palm Beach to renew our old friendship with Art and Fatima, get with acquainted the Centre's 18-month-old facility, and start developing plans for the new show.
As a result of our discussions, a conversation-style presentation featuring me and a few other invited guests is now set for March 14, 2012. The exhibition itself is scheduled to open with a reception on March 16.
The show will be on display through June 30, and will include not only our entire traveling exhibition of 44 "Color Light Abstractions", but also some additional color images, a significant selection of black & white estate prints, a small collection of original black & white photographs, and a representative group of Edna Bullock images. Fatima, who is the executive director in charge of programming and exhibitions, will work closely with us in curating the show. All of us are excited about bringing the work of both Bullock photographers back to Florida after so many years.
Child in Forest, 1951
Until next time, warmest greetings
and best wishes,
Bullock-Wilson, Managing Member
Gene Bullock-Wilson
and Lynne Harrington-Bullock, Members
Bullock Family Photography