Calendars | Revelations Tour | Paul Cotter | Featured Images | Art Intersection | Edna Bullock | CPA Celebration | Things to Come
During the first half of the 1960s, Bullock engaged in a concentrated exploration into the phenomenon of light, not as an illuminant, but "as a force and entity in its own right." It was the only time in his creative career that he worked in color. Bullock…was truly a visionary artist. When his work is considered in its entirety, these pioneering images form an integral part of his creative journey. ~ Quote from the 2018 Color Light Abstraction calendar
I love our two 2018 calendars and I hope you will, too! I had the best time choosing all new images, including some that I'm sure will surprise and delight even the most knowledgeable Bullock fan. I also invite you to pay attention to the thumbnails on the date pages. These images are carefully selected to complement and enhance the main monthly photographs.
For me, another enjoyable aspect of putting the calendars together is deciding what images go with which months. For example, April is my sister Lynne's birth month (along with mine and our father Wynn's), so for our 2018 black -and-white calendar, I chose an image that features her. With our Color Light Abstraction calendar, I selected images with colors, shapes, and other expressive elements that evoke seasonal qualities and events.
Measuring 14" x 12", every page of our calendars is printed on premium cover stock. The calendars are hand-wrapped in perfectly-sized crystal clear poly bags. Once opened, full quarter-inch hanging holes and white Wire-O bindings allow for easy display and optimal viewing.
Illuminating quotes and comments are interspersed throughout both the black-and-white and Color Light Abstraction calendars, and the latter includes an intriguing new design element for the months of April and August.
Order one or both of our beautiful calendars and have your own private gallery of Wynn Bullock imagery for the entire year. The calendars also make great gifts for family and friends.
To view all the 2018 calendars in more detail and to place your orders, click here.
From May 13 through November 25, the groundbreaking Wynn Bullock retrospective that premiered three years ago at the High Museum of Art was on display at the Center for Creative Photography in Tucson, AZ.
On October 26, the Center, as a co-sponsor of the traveling exhibition, hosted a special presentation featuring exhibit curator Brett Abbott, my sister Lynne, and me.
During the first half of the event, Brett gave an insightful, illustrated talk about Wynn's work and his place in the history of photography. In the second half, Brett, Lynne, and I had a grand time recounting anecdotes about Bullock family life and sharing stories behind some of Wynn's iconic images.
The entire presentation is now available for viewing in four separate segments: 1) a short introduction by CCP's Chief Curator Beck Senf, 2) Brett's solo presentation, 3) our three-way conversation, and 4.) the concluding Q and A in which a lot of interesting additional information is shared. All four segments may be viewed on a new page in our website.
Some of you may not know that Wynn is one of five artists whose archives established the Center in 1975. The other four are Ansel Adams, Harry Callahan, Aaron Siskind, and Frederick Sommer. Wynn's collection is one of the key holdings at the Center and is a rich resource for students, scholars, and members of the public who wish to learn more about Wynn's creative journey.
The contents of the archive are listed in a primary finding aid (pdf). There is also a secondary finding aid (pdf) which documents supplemental materials.
Early in the Revelations project, Brett was awarded an Ansel Adams Fellowship to research Wynn's archive in depth. By prior arrangement, any interested person may gain access to various parts of the archive. Our friend and colleague Paul Cotter did just that. You may read about his experiences next.
Paul Cotter is a good friend and colleague who wears many professional hats: photographer, teacher, blogger, and marketing consultant. He is also an avid fan of Wynn's work. Deciding that he wanted to attend the Revelations presentation at Center for Creative Photography on October 26th, Paul made arrangements to spend several hours prior to the presentation exploring the Bullock archive at CCP's Laura Volkerding Study Center.
Perusing the finding aids to determine which aspects of the archive he wanted to focus on, Paul chose to review Wynn's collection of books, some of his personal writings, and examples of his equipment. For his appointment, he also requested access to one of the many boxes of prints that Wynn had designated for study purposes only. Paul was interested in learning more about Wynn's assessment of his own photography, what he considered "outtakes" – examples of early student assignments, commercial jobs, technical rejects, and other imagery and prints that didn't meet his standards of first-tier work.
One of Paul's unexpected discoveries was a well-worn wallet with family photos tucked inside. On top was a small 1971 yearbook picture of Wynn's wife Edna as a home economics teacher at Fitch Junior High School on the Monterey Peninsula. Underneath was an image of my sister Lynne (age 8 months) and me (age 8 years) that Dad had made for our family Christmas card in 1953.
To view the full, amply illustrated article about the treasures and insights Paul found at the Center, click here.
One of the most valued, frequently visited offerings on Wynn's website is our Featured Image section. I, along with a few guest commentators, have shared responses, ideas, and stories relating to thirty-one of Wynn's images. These commentaries are presented in both written and recorded forms and are often accompanied by additional "pop-up" photographs that are intended to enhance viewer enjoyment and appreciation of the featured images.
Our last commentary was posted in July 2013 and it was a piece I produced for Under Monterey Wharf, 1969. Since then, life has taken several unexpected turns, a couple of them quite daunting. The first was David Gordon's move from a few miles down the road from me to Jacksonville, Oregon. David is our fabulous webmaster who also records and introduces all our commentaries. The change in location, along with many other issues associated with a major move created several blips in our work flow that needed to be addressed. It has taken us some time to get up to speed again.
The second set of factors in the hiatus is related to the death of my beloved spouse Gene at the end of 2015. Gene and I enjoyed an exceptionally close and joyful marriage for 45 years. Gene was also my stalwart companion and colleague in managing Bullock photography. My ongoing transition from partnership to singlehood has been a challenging one.
After receiving many queries about when our Featured Image commentaries would be resumed. I'm delighted to finally announce that the answer is NOW!
The first new Featured Image commentary is a shared one between me and my 10-year-old great grandson Cameron Rokes. For Christmas last year, I gave two of my great grandchildren 2017 Wynn Bullock calendars, along with the intention that I would write something about each month's image and they could write me back with their responses. Click here to enjoy Cam's and my exchange about Edna and Barbara, Point Lobos, 1947.
Our second Featured Image is The Pilings, 1958, and the commentary is by guest contributor Paul Cotter. As Paul relates, the image is where his Wynn Bullock journey began. To access the full account of his transformative connection, click here.
For Wynn Bullock, who has revealed the soul of Big Sur in black and white as only the poet can. And who has revealed the beauty of my own home to me with his magic eye. Who will, God willing, reveal more wonders, more marvels, to all he comes in contact with, because he is possessed of the true "seeing eye" which lies neither in the camera nor the brow but in the spirit…" ~ Henry Miller's inscription to Wynn in the book Into the Night Life
For several years, Art Intersection in Gilbert, Arizona, has been representing both Wynn's and Edna's work in a variety of formats, including vintage photographs, estate prints, and books.
A beautiful show of our authorized Wynn Bullock limited edition estate prints is currently on display in their Ryan Gallery. Running through December 23, it opened at the end of October to complement the Revelations exhibition at the Center for Creative Photography in Tucson.
In conjunction with the new show, Art Intersection invited me to participate in two preview events. The first was an invitation-only print viewing for gallery members and the second was a public presentation of "Stories behind the Photographs".
For four and a half hours surrounded by images I intimately know and love, it was my pleasure to share Wynn's creative journey as "poet, scientist, dreamer, and artist" with very attentive and appreciative audiences.
Edna Bullock did not begin her photographic career until she was 60. When her husband, photographer Wynn Bullock died, she picked up his camera and started making photographs. Eventually, her forte would be the male nude. Not usually the focus of women developing careers in their 70s and 80s, Edna's appreciation of dance and the human form melded into a daring body of work that toured the country with great success. . ~ Carol Henry, from the exhibition catalog She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not – Twelve Female Photographers' Views of the Male Subject
On display through March 1, 2018, this exhibition at Big Sur's Post Ranch Inn Gallery is the third showing of Carol Henry's intriguing curatorial offering. The exhibit had its premiere at the Center for Photographic Art in January of this year. It then traveled to Tampa's Florida Museum of Photographic Arts before returning to California this fall.
The exhibition's subtitle is "Twelve Female Photographers' Views of the Male Subject". Featuring two of Edna Bullock's male nudes, the exhibition also showcases the work of Martha Casanave, Jodi Cobb, Imogen Cunningham, Judy Dater, Flor Garduño, curator Carol Henry, Dorothea Lange, Mary Ellen Mark, Holly Robert, Adrienne Salinger, and Joyce Tenneson.
Representing more than 100 years of artistry, the selected images are remarkable in their variety of approach and vision. In addition to the "Curator's Statement" that highlights each photographer's distinctive contributions, the exhibition catalog includes a thoughtful essay by Christian Maréchal.
Tracing our roots back to the Friends of Photography, founded in 1967, the Center for Photographic Art remains the second oldest members' photographic gallery space in the country. ~ Quote from CPA's website
On October 29, while I was the featured speaker at Art Intersection in Arizona, my sister Lynne was the honored guest representing the Bullock family at the Center for Photographic Art's gala 50th anniversary party.
The Center traces its roots back to 1967 when the Friends of Photography began in Carmel. Wynn was one of the founding trustees of the FOP, along with his friends and colleagues Ansel Adams, Brett Weston, Rosario Mazzeo, Art Connell, Bill Current, Liliane DeCock, Jess Forsyth, Bill Garnett, Dick Garrod, Nancy Newhall, Don Ross, Geraldine (Gerry) Sharpe, Bill Webb and Al Weber.
Wynn also served as the first chair of the FOP's exhibition committee, a position he held for several years. Brian Taylor, the current executive director of CPA, tells the story that when the Friends' Board wanted to name their gallery space in Ansel's honor, Ansel turned them down, saying the honor should go to Wynn for his dedicated work as exhibition chair. They agreed and the space became known as the "Wynn Bullock Gallery".
When the Friends moved from Sunset Center to San Francisco, the Carmel space remained a location for the photographic community to support and showcase fine art photography, and it eventually became known as the Center for Photographic Art. At some point in the Center's history, the "Wynn Bullock Gallery" plaque disappeared. A few years ago, a volunteer found it buried in backroom storage and thoughtfully gave it to our family for safekeeping.
Joining Lynne as honored guests at the 50th anniversary celebration were Ansel Adams' son Michael and Brett Weston's nephew Kim. In addition to Kim's uncle being a founding trustee of the Friends, it was Kim's father Cole who was instrumental in arranging a home base for them. As the director of the Sunset Center in 1967, he was the person who invited them to lease the space where CPA continues to reside and thrive.
Wynn's work was ahead of its time. In decades past, [it] simply went over peoples' heads, tossed off as merely more nature pictures. They saw the pictures but not the ideas, not the poetry, not the music of these curious photographs. They are so much more than that. He is more scientist, more poet, more dreamer, more photographer, than I think the general public understood…. I have watched individuals and groups of college students go through the [Revelations] exhibition…they seem to absorb energy as they go through the exhibition. The energy comes from Wynn's photographs. ~ Harold Jones, first director of CCP, reflecting on his film interview about Wynn.
A New Wynn Bullock Film
Filming has already begun on a feature-length documentary film about Wynn's life and work. Director/cinematographer/producer Solomon Atherton and regional Emmy award-winning filmmaker/writer/producer Sooyeon "Sebi" Lee have traveled twice to the Center for Creative Photography to research the Bullock archive, conduct film interviews, and document the Revelations show.
Of course, there are many more months of work ahead of us before we reach the post-production stage. With the full support and consent of my sister Lynne, I will be functioning as the point person for Bullock Family Photography LLC in arranging introductions, granting access to archival materials, and ensuring accuracy of information. As the author and editor of numerous publications about Wynn, I will also be collaborating with Solomon and Sebi as a freelance writer and editor for the project.
As this major undertaking progresses, I will post periodic updates on both our website and in future newsletters.
Expanding Our Online Store Offerings
Another exciting venture for us is making our estate prints available for sale on our website. This has been a long-standing intention of ours and I'm finally getting my act together to actually work out the logistics to do it.
I'm sorry that Gene, who had wanted this to happen years ago, is no longer here to see this dream become a reality. However, I can imagine his delighted grin when the project goes live and we get our first online order. My aim is to get things up and running by the end of the first quarter of next year, and I'm looking forward to occasionally offering some enticing deals on vintage prints as well.
Some Exhibition Highlights
On January 13, 2018, the Wynn Bullock: Revelations exhibition will open at the Figge Art Museum in Davenport, Iowa and will be on display through April 29. It is the last scheduled stop on the show's tour. Brett Abbott, Lynne, and I will come together once again for a public presentation on March 8, and I extend a special invitation to all our Midwest Bullock fans to join us for the event.
A contemporary print of one of Wynn's Color Light Abstractions will be showcased in Way Bay, an exhibition opening on January 17 at the Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive (BAMPFA). The Museum is affiliated with UC Berkeley and all the artworks in the show are coming from the Museum's permanent collection.
In April, Rfotofolio's Depth of Field will take place at the Center for Photographic Art in Carmel, CA. This biennial exhibition and celebration of fine art photography will feature work by both Wynn and Edna, along with dozens of other artists from the United States and abroad. Scheduled events include opening activities on April 14 and a daylong workshop by Willie Osterman titled "The Therapeutic Camera" on April 15. A kite flying memorial will take place on the evening of the 15th in honor of members of Rfotofolio's community of photographers who have passed away since the last Depth of Field show. This special event will be led by kite artist Melanie Walker.
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Lynne and Barbara next to Wynn's Portrait at CCP (Karan Brady Photo) |
In closing, I want to express my deepest thanks for all the love and support that have been so generously given to me this past year by family and friends. I also want to share Lynne's and my gratitude to each of you who have communicated in so many wonderful ways your interest in and appreciation of Bullock photography. Until next time, warmest greetings and best wishes for 2018,
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Wynn Bullock Photography website and newsletter design and tech by David Gordon