Links and Resources


AfterImage Gallery
Dallas, TX
One of the oldest continuously operating art galleries devoted to photography. Began representing Wynn’s work in 2010.
Owner/Director – Ben Breard.

Art Intersection
Gilbert, Arizona
This multi-faceted art center represents both Wynn Bullock and Edna Bullock photography.
Founder/Director – Alan Fitzgerald

Laurence Miller Gallery
In the spring of 2021, this completely online gallery became the East Coast representative of the Bullock Family Photography Estate. Private Dealer/Consultant – Larry Miller; Associate Director – Jacob Cartwright.

Lumière Gallery
Atlanta, GA
In 2009, this gallery was the first to exhibit the new prints of Wynn's Color Light Abstractions.
Gallery Director – Tony Casadonte.

Paul Mahder Gallery
Healdsburg, CA
Located in northern California's wine country, PMG began its representation of Wynn's work in 2019 with an exhibition titled Beyond Sight: In Search of Meaning. The gallery handles our limited edition, fine art estate prints as well as some vintage work.
Owner/Director – Paul Mahder

Peter Fetterman Gallery
Santa Monica, CA
In 2019, PFG became the second California gallery to work with our family's estate. This highly regarded gallery with international ties focuses on Wynn's original work.
Gallery Director – Michael Hulett

Photo Gallery International
Tokyo, Japan
PGI has been representing Wynn’s photography since the 1970s and has sponsored several exhibitions of his work. 
Manager – Masayuki Nishimaru.

See+ Art Space/Gallery
Beijing, China
In 2010, See+ became the first gallery to sponsor an exhibition and represent Wynn’s work in China.
Gallery Director – Hua’er (Zhao Hua).

Weston Gallery
Carmel, CA
A world-renowned photography gallery right on the Monterey Peninsula where Wynn lived and worked.
Gallery Director – Richard Gadd.


Coastal Giclee / Rick Forschino
Printing and digital capture services.

ESP Color Services / Erik Peterson
Scanning, file preparation, and computer services.

Gary Wilson
Event and project photographer.

David Gordon
Website and newsletter design and management.

Jaeger Custom Frames / Cathy Jaeger
Mounting and framing services.

John Wilson
Event and project photographer

Precise Packaging/Chuck Posey
Packing and shipping services


21st Editions – The Art of the Book
South Dennis, MA
In 2017, produced the stunningly beautiful and extremely limited edition publication titled Relativity: Wynn Bullock and Albert Einstein (only 10 numbered copies were released). Each of the handcrafted, fine art, highly collectible volumes included 18 platinum prints, the only instance of Wynn's work reproduced in this medium.

American Photography Archives Group
New York
Great resource organization for those who own and/or manage a privately held photography archive. The works of both Wynn and Edna Bullock are represented through Bullock Family Photography LLC.

San Francisco, CA
This is the west coast affiliate of the American Photography Archives Group. Established in 2018, it serves members throughout California and the Western States. Bullock Family Photography LLC has an active membership in both organizations.

Aperture Foundation
New York
Published two monographs on Wynn’s work: Wynn Bullock Masters Series of Photography (1976/1999 – still in print) and The Enchanted Landscape (1993/1999 – out of print, available here...).

Arrow Camera Digital Photo & Imaging Center
Santa Maria, CA
Tracing its roots back to Arrow Photo Finishing, a business established in 1943 by Wynn and his sister Mary, it morphed into Arrow Camera when Hank Datter became the owner in 1952. The name Arrow Photo Finishing continued to be used by Wynn for his photography concession at Fort Ord Army Base on the Monterey Peninsula from 1946 to 1960.

Artichoke Press
Mountain View, CA
Wynn’s book The Photograph As Symbol was its first major publication. Beautifully handcrafted by Jonathan Clark, it was released the year after Wynn died and has since become a sought-after collectible.

Center for Photographic Art
Carmel, CA
Located in the space where Friends of Photography began in the late 1960s. Wynn was one of the founding members of that organization and served as its first Exhibition Committee chair.  At one time, the gallery space was named “The Wynn Bullock Gallery”. The traveling exhibition of Wynn’s abstract color work had its premiere at CPA in May 2010.

Dual Graphics
Brea, CA
Printed the book Wynn Bullock: Color Light Abstractions (available here... ).

Foundation for Photographic Preservation
Provides services to photographers and their families who are seeking institutional homes for their creative work.

Gibbs Smith Publisher
Layton, Utah
Published the book Wynn Bullock: Photographing the Nude (1984 – out of print, a limited number available here...)

Image Makers
Features the work of many prominent photographers on the Monterey Peninsula. In 2009, Wynn’s daughter Barbara Bullock-Wilson was made an honorary member for her distinguished contributions to the arts and for advancing the West Coast legacy of photography.

Katarina Fagerström Levring
A Swedish photographer who creates some of the loveliest and most richly meaningful abstract images of flowers that we’ve seen.

LensWork Publishing
Anacortes, WA
Outstanding resource celebrating photography and the creative process. Published several articles and portfolios of Wynn’s work and produced a series of “Special Edition” prints of Wynn’s images in the 1990s.

An incredible resource of information on fine art photography and the artists who create it.

Mac and Ava Motion Pictures Productions
Monterey, CA
Steven Rosen and Terry DeBono are the award-winning filmmakers who produced the film Roots of California Photography: The Monterey Legacy. Includes the work of both Wynn and his wife Edna who began her own 20-year career as a creative photographer after his death.

Monterey Museum of Art
A significant collection of Edna Bullock photographs, some of Wynn’s work, and a variety of Bullock archive materials are housed here. The release of Wynn’s book Photographing the Nude was hosted here in 1984.

Monterey Peninsula Photo Events
Gin created and continually updates this rich site of information on photographers and photographic activities in and around the Monterey Peninsula.

Phaidon Press
Published the book Wynn Bullock 55.

Photocritic International – A. D. Coleman
The blog site of one of photography’s most interesting and insightful writers.

Houston, Texas
An interesting site devoted to photography. Produced and maintained by Connie and Jerry Rosenthal, it features work by Wynn as well as his wife Edna.




Center for Creative Photography
Tucson, AZ
Wynn was one of five founding photographers whose work established the Center in 1975. It is the home of the largest collection of Wynn’s work, including all his negatives.
Click here to view an online catalogue of the collection.

de Saisset Museum at Santa Clara University
Santa Clara, CA
Has the most extensive institutional collection of Wynn’s original Color Light Abstractions.

Kiyosato Museum of Photographic Arts
Kiyosato, Japan
Houses more than 100 of Wynn’s vintage prints in its permanent collections.

Monterey Museum of Art
Monterey, CA
Holds the largest institutional collection of Edna Bullock's vintage work (over 400 photographs). It also has a significant collection of Wynn's work, along with extensive archival material relating to both Edna and Wynn.

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
San Francisco, CA
Another institution that houses over 100 of Wynn’s photographs in its permanent collections.

UC Santa Cruz, McHenry Library's Special Collections
Santa Cruz, CA
The holdings here include a very special set of Wynn's work that he created specifically for UCSC, along with other original photographs and archival materials. There is also a significant collection of Edna's vintage work.


Ansel Adams
Long-time friend and colleague of Wynn’s. Wrote the Introduction to Wynn’s only black & white portfolio (1973).

Martha Bryan
One of the founders of Spectrum Gallery in Fresno, CA, where she and Wynn's wife Edna had a joint show of their photographs in 1985.

Martha Casanave
Good friend and colleague of Edna’s and respected member of the Monterey Peninsula photographic community. In 1991, she led a group of women photographers to the Soviet Union and organized an exhibition of their work that traveled to various cities in the USSR. It was Edna’s first trip outside the U.S. and she was 76.

Dwight Caswell
Considers Wynn a mentor and participated in photo expeditions with Edna after she became a photographer. Had his work exhibited along with Wynn’s in a show at the Palm Beach Photographic Center in the 1990s.

Imogen Cunningham
Deeply respected Wynn as a fellow artist. As a friend, she enjoyed needling him on occasion. Made a wonderful portrait of him during the making of the Fred Padula film Two Photographers: Wynn Bullock and Imogen Cunningham.

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Steve Dzerigian
Photography teacher, workshop leader, and practitioner, Steve is a founding member of Spectrum Gallery in Fresno, CA, where the works of both Wynn and Edna have been exhibited.

Charles P. Farmer
As former co-owner of F Stops Here Gallery in Santa Barbara, CA, Chuck was involved with Edna's Nudes, the 1995 book and travelling exhibition project showcasing the imagery of Wynn's wife Edna.

Richard Garrod
Highly esteemed as one of the elders of the Monterey Peninsula photo community and a founding member of the ImageMakers. Has presented workshops featuring Wynn’s creative journey and has quoted Wynn in monographs of his own imagery.

William Giles
A kindred spirit to Wynn, Will draws inspiration from many sources and is a seeker of meaning.

Bert Ihlenfeld
Photographer and professional graphics designer who designed the book Wynn Bullock: Color Light Abstraction (available here...).

Chris Johnson
Professor of Photography at California College of the Arts in Oakland, CA. Co-author of Wynn Bullock 55 (Phaidon Press). One of the most insightful and knowledgeable scholars of Bullock photography.

Henry Miller
Met and befriended Wynn while Henry lived in Big Sur (1944–1962). Admired and wrote about Wynn’s work. Wynn did a series of photographs of Henry, his wife Eve, and some of Henry’s friends.

Neil A. Miller
Studied with Wynn at Ansel Adams Yosemite and Friends of Photography workshops. Wynn became important influence in development of his photographic career.

Fred Padula
Helped Wynn make Type-C prints of his Color Light Abstractions at the Lawson Jones’ color lab in San Francisco during the early 1960s. In 1966, produced the film Two Photographers: Wynn Bullock and Imogen Cunningham. Named his only child after Wynn.

Wynn Padula
Named after his father Fred ’s close friend and mentor Wynn Bullock, this Wynn has embraced filmmaking as his passion and profession.

Sir George Pollock
British photographer who began creating his extensive “Photography of Light” about three years after Wynn started making his “Color Light Abstractions”. Developed a friendship largely through an exchange of letters and audio tapes.

Raphael Shevelev
Wrote the essay for The Enchanted Landscape. Strong supporter of both Wynn’s and Edna’s work.

David Stroup
Credits both Wynn and Edna as important influences. Worked with Edna as a model in the 1980s.

Thom Tyson
Filmmaker and producer of the film Wynn Bullock: Photographer. (available here...)

Jerry Uelsmann
Long-time admirer of Wynn’s work and author of an article about him that appeared in the May 1970 issue of Modern Photography Magazine.

Al Weber
Initially met Wynn in 1954 and remained friends with him until Wynn’s death in 1975. In 2002, wrote an article for Photo Techniques Magazine celebrating the centennial of Wynn’s birth.

Brett Weston
Another long-time friend of Wynn’s. Loved coming over to the Bullock home for Edna’s pot roast and spaghetti dinners.

Kim Weston
An imagemaker with his own distinctive vision. Like the Bullock family, he and his wife Gina promote the amazing photographic heritage of the Monterey Peninsula as well as actively support the next generation of photographers through their Weston Scholarship program.

Edward Weston
An important influence in Wynn’s creative journey during the late 1940s. Both men enjoyed a warm friendship that lasted until Edward’s death in 1958.


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  All Content Copyright © 2025 Bullock Family Photography LLC. All rights reserved.